My thoughts on navigating the professional world, social media, memes and food.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Chipotle in Trouble?

Recently, Chipotle is shutting down nearly 50 locations in the Pacific Northwest due to E. Coli outbreaks that could potentially link back to Chipotle stores around the area. 

According to an article by Buzzfeed, at least 22 people have contracted E. Coli after eating at Chipotle restaurants. The shutting down of the stores is a safety precaution as of now while health investigations continue.

From a PR standpoint, is this an emerging crisis for Chipotle, or will our nation's love of burritos as large as your face surpass the E. Coli scare? 

I'd like to speculate that even though at least 22 people have contracted E. Coli that could be linked to Chipotle, the restaurant chain will come out largely unscathed. I think that Chipotle's mainstream status and use of fresh foods will  overcome the present situation. Also, Chipotle's quick response to the allegations, its close investigations with the local health departments and store closures provides a strong sense of remorse and responsibility on the corporation's behalf. 

So I leave it to you - will Chipotle skate by this health threat without a scratch? Or will we have to order our extra guacamole somewhere else? 

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