My thoughts on navigating the professional world, social media, memes and food.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

"Hello" From a Marketing Standpoint

The winged eyeliner queen sold 2.43 million copies of her newest CD "25" last week and shattered a world record. Yes, I'm talking about the vocal angel, Adele. Her smokey vocals and hard-hitting, emotion-filled songs have taken the world by storm forcing all of humanity to break out their tissues. However, it's not just humanity that wants a piece of Adele's buzz, commercial brands are throwing its tissues into the ring as well.

Since Adele's renewed fame, brands like Coca-Cola have used its Twitter account to combine branding with popular culture (see the tweet here). SHIFT Communication's blog titled, "What Brands Can Learn About Social Media from #Adele25" has given amazing insight into the do's and do not's of  piggybacking your brand onto pop. culture.

The blog post is a definite read for those social media managers for businesses across the globe, but I will highlight two key points I thought were really important.

Point 1: Do

One "do" that was listed when using popular culture of viral topics was to make sure the trending topic you're siting is relevant to your organization. If the topic doesn't fit with your business, or if you can't create a correlation from the topic to your product then don't push it out on social. You do not want to post an irrelevant tweet or post and your followers scratch their heads, or worse, criticize you for trying to hard.

Point 2: Do not

Do NOT forget your hashtags on Twitter. This may seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how often someone's creativity goes to waste because they forgot a hashtag. Hashtags include you in the conversation; it is your gateway to becoming viral yourself.

This blog post was a great overview of tips for anyone's social to potentially be included in a trending topic. Again, I highly encourage you to read the full article at SHIFT Communications blog here.

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