My thoughts on navigating the professional world, social media, memes and food.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

#RetailTherapy #Don'tJudgeMe

           I am a shopaholic. I love shopping; whether it is window, online or in person. My worst shopping habit is emotional shopping; specifically when the emotion is stress. I love walking into the mall and finding the thing I did not know I needed until that moment and forgetting all my troubles. It makes me so excited and I get to forget all my problems before I walked into the mall. It is like the mall’s front door is a portal into retail Narnia.

I know this is a bad habit, but to be fair I do not get so stressed that I just go and blow all of my extra money (and believe me that extra money is not a very high number) on a regular basis. Only about once or twice a year; and that once a year is about this time of year: when all of my final projects and papers are coming to a head in November. I get so overwhelmed about my long to-do list that I choose to do none of it and go shopping. Yet the projects are still there to do when I get home, which makes me stressed all over again. It is a viscous cycle in which my wallet and psyche pay the price.

            There is light at the end of the tunnel though, and I get my work done. Then afterwards I can turn in all my projects while wearing new clothes or shoes. I know this is not exactly the best example for not procrastinating but let’s reserve judgment. Go retail therapy!  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Haley,
    I think this is such a honest and cute post I can relate to on multiple levels. I also love to shop. I don't often shop in response to stress, however I do have my own downfall. When I'm feeling overwhelmed I usually turn to chocolate followed up with a nap. I'm not sure which strategy is worse! haha! If I do happen to let myself wander onto one of my favorite clothing websites it's game over. I know I don't need any thing, but as soon as I scroll down one page of clothes I think I need about five new things! One more scarf or cardigan never hurt anyone, right?

    1. Chocolate and naps is like the ultimate duo; put shopping in there and it is a perfect storm. You are right though, another cute scarf never hurts. haha!

  3. Haley,
    I was just looking at my bank account and I can tell you that you are not alone in your shopping addictions. I love going shopping in the mall, but lately I have become a huge online shopper because of the convenience. I saw your Facebook status about how you got half of your Christmas shopping done already and I think that's great. What a great way to use you shopping skills to your advantage!

    1. Mariah I am so proud of my Christmas shopping this year! I got so tired of doing it last minute and stressing whether the person would like the gift so this year I made a change, and let me tell you it feels so good! I am interested in online shopping though because I like to see the outfit pairings online, but I am apprehensive on whether or not the shoes pinch will pinch or the shirt is too tight when they eventually get delivered.
