My thoughts on navigating the professional world, social media, memes and food.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Trying New Things

          One thing you I would like to share with the blogosphere today is that I am hesitant to try new things. This may be because I have anxiety about almost every social situation which stems from my social awkwardness. Let me tell you, I am very awkward. For example my baking experience I posted about earlier in October.

            Back to not trying new things, I am making a conscious effort to improve this aspect of my life. For example I tried Northern on Main today and it was really good. After I stood in line for a good five minutes before ordering because I didn’t know what I wanted even though the menu is only about ten items. Small victory for me though because I tried something new.

            I also always have a “standby” when I go to restaurants. Do any of you do that? I am notorious for that because I want to try new foods on the menu, but I always psyche myself out and worry whether or not the food I am going to order will be worse than my “standby.” Then, in turn, I have wasted my money.

            In the long run, these are very minuscule problems, but I am slowing making an effort to try new things.

1 comment:

  1. Haley!
    I legitimately laughed out loud reading your post because I feel like I am the exact same way! I am so afraid of going out of my comfort zone and trying new things because I am afraid they will make things too different for me to handle. I am a very indecisive person so it is hard to eat my trust when it comes to buying products, especially food! ;)
